On Thursday, 26 January over 100 Farnham residents came together to help co-design the new Farnham Integrated Care Centre.
Discussions were enthusiastic and productive and the feedback from the event will help to shape the same-day appointment service, prior to its launch in late Spring 2017.
Attendees included patients from Farnham surgeries, local church groups, Community Ambassadors, members of the voluntary sector, local GPs, Practice Managers, and staff from NHS North East Hampshire and Farnham Clinical Commissioning Group . The event was a chance for patients to discuss the impact of the new service where 4 local GP practices are creating a new Integrated Care Centre, based at Farnham Centre for Health, to improve the access to same-day appointments in the local area. The service will offer same-day appointments with GPs, practice nurses, physiotherapists and other relevant local health care providers, with the aim of getting people the right care for their needs, both quickly and locally.
The event was the idea of local Patient Participation Group member and Community Ambassador Valerie Fabry, who worked with the event project team to ensure patient views were at the heart of decisions around the new service. Discussions focused on how the new service would affect patients, making suggestions for improvements, and highlighting areas of potential concern and where more clarity about the process was required. The collaborative and positive nature of the event ensured some incredibly useful comments and ideas were gathered. The second half of the event saw a discussion around ‘extended access’ and gathered patient input into the types of routine services patients would like to have between 6.30pm—8pm weekdays and at weekends. As well as the preferred hours at the weekends for these services to be provided. All the feedback is now being used by the project teams to finalise the new services and develop communication plans to launch the services and to continue patient involvement.
You can read the full responses in this document pdf Farnham Integrated Care Centre - Patient Feedback (1.69 MB)